I have had the opportunity to see the work of Errol Lee and his Caring Concerts, and the positive impact it has in our community."
"Errol's calm disposition comes through beautifully.
He discusses challenging topics in ways that are simple for students to understand."
2021 Sir James Dunn Public School
"His messaging during his presentations focused on caring at all levels - individual, family, and community.He also did an really amazing job connecting all 3 area with personal stories and his musical lyrics."
2021 Margaret Stringer Manitoulin
"Families sang and danced along with their children as the students and Errol performed the lessons they learned regarding kindness, respect and showing empathy and optimism towards others."
2021 Douglas Romanow
"While Errol Lee excels as a talented musician and a prolific songwriter, he sets himself apart from scores of similar entertainers because of the focus of his message."
2020 Township of St. Joseph
“The message of Errols performance contributes to our kids’ desire to be good friends to each other and provides them with teachings that help them to respect themselves and others.”
2020 Vaughan Sandra Racco
“It is always wonderful to see the commitment you demonstrate to ensuring our youth learn to embrace cultural appreciation in our community through the arts and education in order to live together in peace and harmony.”
2020 Mayor Barrow
“Errol Lee is not just an entertainer but a teacher and role model in the community in which he lives to students whom he mentors, and challenges them daily to develop character traits because it becomes your destiny.”
2020 Kenneth Fowler Innisfil
“I have seen firsthand the inspiration he fuels in those who are lucky enough to share a few moments with him.”
2019 Madonna Catholic Secondary School
“His direct involvement has not only engaged even the most at-risk students, it has also nurtured our program and helped it grow as a whole through enrichment as well as community.”
2019 SCDSB Fieldcrest Elementary School
“It is my pleasure to proved a letter to highlight the wonderful work that Errol Lee does to support the building of safe, caring and inclusive schools where every student feels a sense of pride and belonging.”
2019 Mnjikaning Kendaaswin Elementary School
“We have noticed a positive impact on our school community. The children are talking about caring for one another; they know that is cool to care.”
2007 TCDSB Loretta Abby Catholic Secondary School
“Our students were spellbound and appreciated his dynamic approach and spirit leaving our school community with a truly positive outlook and challenge.”
“I have observed many of his performances which left all in attendance clamouring for more. His sincere and passionate interaction with students is electrifying”
“As a result of Errols work, schools and community organizations have taken up the torch. They have established HERO clubs addressing anti-bullying, diversity, anti-racism and social justice.”
2006 Brampton Neighbourhood Resoure Centre
“Through his mentoring and life examples he is able to reach out to youth and give them hope and motivation to make better life choices. I find him to be a man of honour and compassion, who is empathetic, moved by the people he encounters. Errol is a leader and mentor whos thought provoking message creates inspiration and hope.”
“Each performance was very powerful! Soliciting the students participation, delivering spoken messages and then incorporationg music and dance he had students engrossed in his presentations. Errol is a very effective speaker and obviously accomplished entertainer.”
2003 Our Lady of the Annunciation Catholic School
“Errols ability to understand his audience, from our youngest to our senior grades, is truly a gift. He had them up on their feet and singing enthusiastically.”
2003 Markham Mayor Donald Cousens
“I have no hesitation in recognizing Errol Lee as an accomplished motivational speaker. His personal initiative has set him apart and he has been an inspiration to Markhams youth.”